2023 Welcome Letter from our Principal

Dear Greenfield Families,
I hope you are all enjoying your summer and that students are actively engaged in their summer
reading books. If you still need a summer reading book for any grade please come to school and
pick one up. The Greenfield Staff and I are very excited for the start of another amazing year in
which we get to watch our students learn and grow. Teachers have been planning amazing
lessons and projects for the upcoming year and are excited for the return of students. As August
begins I wanted to write to welcome you back to school (a little early) with a few reminders for
the new year
The first day of school for all students in Kindergarten through 8 grade will be September 5 ,
**Note for kindergarten families – the first week of school will be 12 noon dismissals so
teachers can conduct Kindergarten interviews. (September 5-11)
First Day Reminders:
-Any student who would like school breakfast should go to the Cafeteria between 8:00-8:15
-Teachers come to get students at 8:21 AM.
-We ask that parents regardless of the grade step away from their child in line when
teachers come out. Yes, this means kindergarten parents too. It helps to make the transition
into the building smoother.
-Students who arrive after 8:25 AM are considered late and will have to go to the main office.
-School ends at 2:50 for Kindergarten after September 11th. They will be waiting outside the
center doors on the playground with their teachers just like the early dismissal days.
-All other students are dismissed at 3:00PM.
-Students traveling home on their own need to leave the school yard by 3:10 PM. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Our uniform policy has changed.
Every student in Kindergarten thru 8th grade is expected to arrive at school in uniform.
o White or Blue t-shirt or collared shirt or any Greenfield Shirt
o Navy, Khaki or Black bottoms.
▪ Shorts are ok
▪ Skirts, dresses and leggings are ok
● funky or colorful leggings require uniform shorts, skirt or dress over them
▪ Shorts or Pants with logos, writing or designs are never ok
▪ Pants with white stripes are ok
▪ Jeans are not part of our uniform
Closed toed shoes are a must: No Slides, No Flip Flops, No Crocs, No Keens, No Sandals,
No foam runners or shoes like this (just because it’s not on this list does not mean it is ok if
it is a sandal etc.)
Cell Phones, Apple Watches, Smart Watches etc.:
Students should not be coming to school with cell phones, smart watches or video games; having
them is against school and district policy. We understand your need to check in to see that
students arrived safely at school and to give instructions about what to do after school.
We recommend a simple flip phone as a great way to do this and is an inexpensive option. All
smart watches and apple watches are not permitted in school. In addition, phone watches are also
not allowed. Students bringing these to school will need to store them in their back packs or
lockers, ideally students should leave these at home.
Apple watches must be removed upon entering school or they will be
Once a student steps on the school yard all phones, Smart watches, headphones, air pods
etc., need to be removed and put away in their backpack or they will be confiscated.
Stay Connected:
If you have not already signed up for our weekly Newsletter please do so on the school website
or clicking here. This is the best way to stay on top off all school and home and school
information in one place every week. In the first several weeks there will be important
information about after school club sign ups.
Stay Informed:
Every parent can track student progress and attendance on-line through the parent portal. Parent
portal can be accessed by going to https://sso.philasd.org/cas/login. If you already have an
account, you can just sign in. If you need to register for an account, you will need your child’s
student ID number. Most students know this number, and if they do not, we can provide it to you.
The system may ask for a confirmation code, we can also provide this as needed.
If you have been volunteering at school or gone on field trips you have turned in your State
Police clearances and Child Line clearance. There is an additional step you need to complete. To
be cleared to volunteer you need the following:
PA State Police Clearance:
Child Line Clearance:
SDP Volunteer Training:
Before you begin volunteering you must have your documentation of all three of these turned in
to the main office.
We are excited for school to start as I am sure you are as well. Please review the uniform and cell
phone policies with your students to ensure a smooth start to the year.
See you soon!
Mr. Lazar