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Greenfield Counseling Team
Makaine Lozandieu

Lozandieu, Makaine

School Counselor (K-4th)
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Sara Preston

Preston, Sara

School Counselor (5th-8th)
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School Counselor's Role
School Counselor Role

504 Plans

Accommodations offered to students when psychological or medical diagnoses severely interfere with student learning.

Collaboration & Consultation

Participate in meetings with teachers and/or parents grade team meetings with teachers, and special education meetings to help student thrive.

Attendance Monitor

Programming and data-tracking geared toward making sure students attend school on time every day.

Homelessness Liasion

Identification and removal of barriers so that students experiences homelessness can attend school regularly.

Crisis Prevention & Agency Referrals

Depending on severity of student/family issues, counselors make referrals to behavioral and mental health agencies.

Build Positive School Climate

As an advocate, counselors play a key role in making sure school is a safe, inclusive, and welcoming space for all students.

Classroom Lessons

Lessons/activities for all students to build academic, career, and social skills.

1:1 Small Group Sessions

Counseling provided to students to manager emotions, problem-solve academic and social issues, and more.

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